Adoption Form (online) RSVP inc. Animal Welfare & Rescue Group Adoption Application FormRSVPinc. Responsible Solutions for Valued Pets, P.O. Box 335, Eastport, NY 11941, (631) 533-2738 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date: *Name *FirstLastStreet Address: *City, State, Zip Code *Mailing Address: *Address is the same as aboveDifferent, will add belowMailing Address:City, State, Zip CodeEmail *Phone Number: (Cell)Phone (Home)Phone Number: (Work)Current or Last Employer: *Occupation: *Spouses Name/ Roommates NameFirstLastNumber of Household Members: *Ages: *Any Allergies? *Own or Rent home *Own HomeRent HomeOtherIf you rent, please provide landlords name and phone number:If you rent, does your lease permit you to have pets?YesNoIf you rent, does you lease limit size or number of pets?YesNoIf you selected other, please explain:What animal are you interested in adopting? *Are you adopting this animal as a companion for yourself? *YesNoIf no, please for whom?Where will you keep your new pet? *How many hours a day will the pet be left alone? *Where will the pet be kept during this time? *How will you provide for this animal’s exercise and elimination needs? *What will you do if you move or your situation changes? *Do you agree to accept full responsibility for all veterinary care for this animal’s lifetime? *Do you currently have any pets? *Choice 3YesNoIf yes, please describe (type of pet, name, age, sex):Are they spayed or neutered? YesNoIf no, why not?Is their veterinary care up to date?Veterinarian’s Name and phone number: *Have you had pets in the past? *Choice 2YesNoIf yes, when, how many, what type of pet? If yes, where did you get your pet?If yes, where are they now?Please list three personal references with phone numbers: (1) *FirstLastRelationship: *Contact Number: *Please list three personal references with phone numbers: (2) *FirstLastRelationship: *Contact Number *Please list three personal references with phone numbers: (3) *FirstLastRelationship: *Contact Number: *I hereby give permission for RSVP to contact above mentioned references. Please sign below to authorize contact: *I hereby declare all information provided in this application to be accurate and understand any false information will lead to the failure of adoption: Please sign to declare all information to be accurate: *Date: *EmailSubmit